Société Nantaise de Préhistoire (SNP)
For the collection and dissemination of knowledge in Prehistory and Protohistory in the Pays de la Loire
The society is founded on January 13th of 1948 when a departmental delegate of the French Prehistoric Society publishes a solicitation for the Prehistory enthusiasts in Nantes to assemble.
Some answer the call, and the meeting happens in a café in Nantes. Only after 1950 do the meetings begin to get recorded. Seven members are counted during this session that takes place in the Natural History Museum, still in Nantes. After five sessions, on May 6th of 1951, the Nantes Prehistory Section gives the final touch to the articles and submits them in the prefecture. The association declaration is published in the Official Journal of July 5th in 1951.
The association’s head office is in the Museum.
The association at that point is but a branch of the French Prehistoric Society. In February of 1960, articles are amended, making the SNP an independent organization, under the name of Prehistoric Society of Nantes.
SNP devotes itself to the study of Prehistory in general and to the study of sciences that help to understand it. It doesn’t exclude studies conducted within the field of Archaeology regarding other periods such as the protohistoric and medieval times. It focuses on the diffusion of these disciplines and is particularly interested in researches that address regional Prehistory.
SNP issues “Monthly papers” that serve as a link between our members and a “Study newsletter” which regard local or regional investigations more precisely. Students who wish to make their work known can also be published. These releases are exchanged with those of other associations sharing similar interests. The Society works closely with museums and universities in Nantes and Rennes, and also with other archaeology or natural science dedicated associations, such as the Friends of the Paris Musée de l’Homme, with which SNP organizes lectures and outings.
SNP contributes to several regional cultural events: heritage days, local history days, scientific days in Rennes University. It participated in the two days conference of the French Prehistoric Society in Rennes in April 2002 along with the Nantes University and with the logistic support of the Dobrée Museum.
The French Prehistoric Society celebrated its centennial in 2004; SNP took part in this anniversary which was an occasion to pay tribute to several Breton prehistorians.
Our Society also keeps a large library available to its members, including publications, archaeological reviews, articles and archaeology related documents produced by its members.

Société Nantaise de Préhistoire
Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle
12 rue Voltaire
44000 Nantes
Téléphone : 02-40-86-93-68